Homeless Service Information

Click on links below for useful information below

Crosscare Community Cafes

Open 8-4, Monday to Friday the Community Cafes provide low cost, good quality meals in a comfortable setting. The cafes also work with the local community supporting healthy eating initiatives. 


DCC Central Placement Service

If you have never stayed in homeless accommodation before, the Central Placement Service will assess your situation and inform you of your options.

Men, Women and families can visit the service at Parkgate Hall, 6-9 Conygham Road, Dublin 8 from 10am to 12 noon and from 2pm to 4pm Monday to Friday
The Central Placement Service (CPS) can be contacted between 10.00 am and 10.00 pm Monday to Sunday on the  HOMELESS HELPLINE 1800 707 707.

If you have previously stayed in homeless accommodation and have presented to CPS and completed your housing and support needs assessment you should call the HOMELESS HELPLINE 1800 707 707  between 10.00 am and 10.00 pm Monday to Sunday. Staff will assess your options and possible need for temporary accommodation.


Dublin Simon - Visiting Tenancy Support service

This service assists people who are having problem with their tenancy or who are at risk of becoming homeless. Potential clients can be referred in by Dublin City Council, a key worker or can contact the service directly.

Contact details to follow.


Focus Coffee shop

Focus Ireland Coffee Shop offers a drop in service providing low cost meals where customers can also talk to Focus Ireland staff if they need advice/ help around accessing some supports with housing.  


Homeless Persons unit

Provides Supplementary Welfare Allowance to eligible people, for women & families call into 41 Castle Street, Dublin 2 or for men call into 212-213 Oisin House, PearseSt, Dublin 2 or call 1800 724 724.

Safetynet - Free Health services

Safetynet offers free health services, including doctor and nurse led clinics for people in homeless services who do not have a medical card.  You can see a GP or nurse for free in a number of different clinics in different hostels.  Click on the link below for details

Primary Care saftey Net PDF

D-Doc: urgent out of hours GP service 1850 224 477.  If you don’t have a medical card, you can just say that that you are Dr Austin O Carroll’s patient and give the name of your hostel and the service is free.