About Us

Foundations Project is a CDETB and HSE funded initiative for people using homeless services.  We offer programmes and support services to help people move on from homelessness towards education and training or employment.  We provide Adult Education Programmes with a wide range of different subjects and Child and Family Programmes, with after-schools and parents groups.  Our programmes and services are available in our two city centre premises, Parnell Adult Education Centre, Parnell Square and Tilly’s After-Schools Centre, Sean McDermott St Lower. 

We work closely with the homeless services and education and training services ensuring that people who are experiencing homelessness have access to information about programmes that may help them to develop new skills and interests and educational qualifications. 

All our services are free and are available to anyone who is currently using homeless services, who has experienced homelessness in the past or is at risk of homelessness. 

Joining our programmes is simple – just phone us or ask a staff member to call on your behalf. 

See the Contact Us section of the web-site.



Our Building